The last lockdown has been a difficult time for everyone. For most students they will have not seen their classmates since before Christmas. It will be strange to suddenly be thrust back into the classroom on the 8th of March. Activities such as team challenges, help to create a sense of belonging. This in turn will help start the process of reducing anxiety levels. This will be essential to allow students to re start their learning.
To help this process from the 8th of March we are launching our 4 Week Challenge. Each week day we will publish a free team building activity that are suitable for schools. All will use limited, if any equipment. If there is any equipment it will be easily found in school. We will publish them nice and early to help with teachers planning their day.
To take part just visit our blog each day from Monday the 8th of March or alternatively see our free team building activities for schools
We hope that this help ease the process of returning to school. These activities will remain in our catalogue for schools to use in the future. Lets just hope there is no lock down 4.0