
Group Size: Any Size,  space allowing

Key Stages: KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS5

Team Building Skills:  Concentration, Observation, Strategy, Agility

Equipment: Ropes, Tape Or Chalk

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Riverbank is a very easy team building activity to play and also to set up. The facilitator will need to mark two parallel lines on the ground to signify two riverbanks. The space between will be the river.

This can easily be completed using two ropes or some tape or chalk. The markings should be wide enough that if participants jumped into the river from both sides that they do not collide.

The group will need to be split into two halves. Each half will stand on the two riverbanks. The participants can either all face looking down the river or alternatively facing the participants on the other bank. In this example we have them facing each other.

To play the participants need to wait for one of two calls from the facilitator. On a call they need to either stay where they are or jump with both feet to the correct location. These calls will be “in the river” or “on the bank”. These can be said in any order.

Calls should be kept being made eliminating those who fall, stumble or whose feet end up in the wrong location.

The participants will start to whittle down slowly. When you’re down to the last fifty percent of the participants the calls can become just “River” and “Bank” so to increase the difficulty.

This is an addictive game where students will want to better themselves and they will want to play many times! 

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Take Action (Numbers & Actions)

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