Our Instructor Led Primary School Team Building days are perfect for many different occasions during the school year.
Whilst fostering different schools’ PSHE aims we can help organise a team building day that suits your schools Team Building needs .
We are able to organise a day with team building sessions for all classes in your school. To allow all classes to participate in a Primary School Team Building Day EYFS and KS1 sessions are slightly shorter.
If you require longer sessions for certain classes or year groups then we can also offer this with many schools running sessions for half or full days for KS2 children. For upper KS2 children we can also run our Challenge Carousel.
Our large range of activities can be run in your school hall or outside playground or field. The activities encourage pupils to share ideas, communicate and plan their problem solving approach whilst working together to achieve success.
We aim to bring activities to your school that you would otherwise unlikely be able to access. Our equipment is bespoke to our company and created with the school setting in mind.
We know that all schools have a mix of individual requirements for the whole school and also each year group. Our range of activity days helps these requirements to be met. As well as our Instructor Led Primary School Team Building Days we offer: Orienteering ; The Challenge Carousel; ; Escape Rooms and Shipwrecked – Island Escape.
All of our individual activities are risk assessed and run by experienced instructors. Our Primary School Team Building Days remove the stress for schools and allow teachers the chance to stand back and observe their pupils in group situations.
If your school is looking for an activity provider of fun and engaging activity days look no further.
We also offer a range of Maths Workshops for Primary Schools
If you are interested in finding out more or would like to make a booking please contact us.
Established for 17 years
We have visited 1000s of schools
Experienced staff with DBS
Insured & risk assessed
Flexible approach
Fun & educational
Unique & quality made equipment
Highly recommended
After SATS
Fun days
Transition days
Friendship weeks
Anti bullying
Class bonding
Reward activities